DAOT is proud to be providing accredited training on behalf of Getabout Training Services (RTO; 90547) a registered training organisation at our South East Queensland venue located west of Brisbane at Esk. It does not matter whether your are experienced or just a leaner, its a very good option taken.
Why an accredited course with a reputable RTO, it ensures you receive the correct and up to date information on the course with instructors always up to date and knowledgeable.

Tow-Ed Qld is proud to be associated with Tow-Ed and to be providing accredited course on their behalf.
Our accredited towing courses offer the new and experienced “learners”with the knowledge and preparation to enter their new venture of towing. The course is open to any person with a valid Australian driver’s license with standard box trailers, boat trailers, horse floats, caravans, 5th Wheel caravans and gooseneck floats.
Why an accredited course with a reputable RTO, it ensures you receive the correct and up to date information on the course with instructors always up to date and knowledgeable.

Seminars Workshops
“I’ll Drive with you”

Presentations –
Tow-Ed (Qld) in association with other organisations can offer our services for seminars and workshop.
Talking Towing –
Jeff is also one third of the presenting team of the “Talking Towing”. presenting on behalf off and for Caravanning Queensland at all CTIAQ industry shows in the Towing Masterclass arena.
Workshops –
Tow-Ed Qld will at advertised times run Advanced towing workshops at multiple venue with dates regularly updated. Class numbers are kept small to obtain effective class interaction. Click on view course below for more information or email – jeff@daot.com.au
“I’ll Drive (ride) with you” service-
Jeff is also now offering “I’ll Drive with you” service for all newbies or just nervous persons when it comes to towing especially large caravans. If you are not comfortable with your partner for your first drive, then engage Jeff as a qualified instructor to be by your side. For more information, email – jeff@daot.com.au
About Driver & Operator Training/
Tow-Ed QLD
D.A.O.T provides further education courses for the Corporate, Commercial and the Private sectors in relation to driver and operators training.
These courses are run with the full support of the nationally recognised Getabout Training Services (Tow-Ed) RTO;90547.
Other venues for the Tow-Ed towing courses by Tow-Ed Queensland are; Beenleigh, Caboolture, Toowoomba, Nambour, Esk, Maryborough, Rockhampton, MacKay, Coffs Harbour and Port MacQuarrie. All venues and course dates can be located by visiting http://www.tow-ed.edu.au
Our corporate training is designed to suit as required.