FWPCOT3326 – Recover four wheel drive vehicles

National Code: FWPCOT3326 – Recover four wheel drive vehicles

Course Currency Status: Current

Duration: 1 day plus pre-reading & pre-course questionnaire

Mode of Delivery: Blended learning (Pre-learning & face to face)

Outcomes for Recover four wheel drive vehicles course include:

  • surveying site to identify hazards, assess risks and select suitable strategy
  • selecting personal protective equipment appropriate to type of recovery operation
  • determining potential environmental impact of recovery
  • applying safe recovery method
  • establishing and maintain communications with appropriate personnel during recovery operations.
  • determining recovery method based on the terrain conditions and circumstances
  • considering operating variables, define danger zone and apply strategies to reduce risk and environmental impact during recovery.
  • determining the recovery equipment required and its availability
  • setting up an exclusion zone.
  • repairing environmental damage where possible
  • identifying hazards and position recovery equipment safely
  • using safe operating procedures while using recovery equipment
  • using rated recovery equipment within limitations and capabilities
  • carrying out maintenance on recovery equipment

Full course information can be found here .


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