About us
Driver and operator training / Tow-Ed Qld provides further education courses for the Corporate, Commercial and the Private sectors in relation to Low risk, 4WD, Vehicle recovery, trailer towing, ATV/SSV machines.
These courses are run with the full support of the nationally recognised Getabout Training Services (Tow-Ed) RTO;90547. The difference between our courses and others is the background knowledge and expertise in our training style and methods. 28 years offering Australia’s nationally regconised towing course/s has us well known for our professionalism and regconised by industry and Government bodies.
The knowledge base behind Getabout Training Services offers DAOT / Tow-Ed Qld with substantial support with all of the driver course as and when required which also provides the best information base to all of DAOT / Tow-Ed Qld customers.
Our Brisbane home base venue is in the beautiful Somerset region on private property being 115 acres . This venue is used for all , Towing on and off road, Low risk, Basic 4WD and ATV / SSV along with vehicle winch recovery.
“Learning” to tow large caravans can be a challenge and here in Queensland, Jeff has vast experience with many trailer types up to and including 5th Wheel caravans and also operates his own 4WD vehicles with Quad bikes on his property.
Other venues away from home base for the Tow-Ed towing courses by Tow-Ed Qld include; Beenleigh, Caboolture, Toowoomba, Nambour though to MacKay and south to Port MacQuarie. All venues and course dates can be located by visiting www.towed.edu.au
Jeff is also heavily involved in the caravanning industry with CTIAQ. Jeff forms one third of “Talking Towing” team whom presents at all CTIAQ industry shows and other events as requested. Jeff is now also providing other service like Advanced Towing workshops, “I’ll Drive with you” service. Information for these can be found from the home page.